Show me the money

Thinking like the people with the chequebook

As part of our Business Growth Script we use the eight immutable laws of movies that really make money.

They are:

  1. Genre first, story second
  2. A hero worth waiting for
  3. Clear tension and conflict
  4. The presence of change
  5. The power of resolution
  6. The potential for juxtaposition
  7. Story styles which sell
  8. Three ways to pitch your idea, fast

These “movie modus operandi” unspoken rules have significant implications for telling a business growth story and the practical implementation of it.

Their guidance when applied to the world of business and the business of growth enables creativity to be applied with strategic rigor and relevance to business growth situations. The combination, when allied to the six strategic questions in the Business Growth Script, enable business owners to be imaginative and creative about their business, whilst also giving that imagination business meaning.